Saline County Board of Commissioners' Minutes

300 W Ash Room 107 Salina, Kansas 67401
  • Commissioner Monte Shadwick - District 1
  • Commissioner Rodger Sparks - District 3
  • Commissioner James L Weese - District 4
  • Commissioner Joe Hay Jr. - District 5
  • Commissioner Robert Vidricksen II - District 2

Commissioner Monte Shadwick called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Janelle Timson, County Clerk's Office, called the roll of attendance.

Norman Mannel, Salina, asked about contractors doing work on County roads.

These items may be approved by a single motion unless an item is pulled by a Commissioner.

  • Moved by:Commissioner James L Weese
    Seconded by:Commissioner Joe Hay Jr

    Approve consent agenda as presented.

    Motion Passed

Christi Ponton, Home Health Coordinator

Saline County recognizes the importance of providing high quality, compassionate care to those who need special medical attention, the elderly, terminally ill, postsurgical patients, chronically ill, and individuals with disabilities – and the availability of that care in a familiar and comfortable setting.  Home care and hospice encompass a wide array of health and supportive services and offers compassionate care to more than five million Americans annually, especially during times of community or personal health care crisis.  Home care is the patient preferred care option and plays a vital role in Saline County’s health care delivery systems, as residents in need of services, wish to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible.  Home care services allow families to stay together, and provide greater health, dignity, and comfort in our communities, and today, caregivers play a central role in our health care system and in homes across the country.  The Home Care & Hospice community honors the compassionate nurses, aides, therapists, and social workers who work tirelessly to make the essential difference for those wishing to receive care in their homes, as well as families, by ensuring that they can do so.  Home care providers encourage all individuals to learn more about options of care and to share their wishes with family, loved ones, and their healthcare providers.  Saline County joins in the national observance of Home Care and Hospice Month, and take this opportunity to encourage, honor, and support the professionals, volunteers, and family caregivers who show courage and compassion in their vitally important work helping and caring for the vulnerable populations.  Commissioner James L Weese asked if there were any special events.  Christi Ponton stated they are utilizing social media to try to gain awareness and get information out to the public about home health and hospice care.

  • Moved by:Commissioner James L Weese
    Seconded by:Commissioner Joe Hay Jr

    Proclaim November 2023 as Home Health and Hospice Month.

    Motion Passed

David Turner, Fire Chief of RFD #5

Saline County Fire District #5 wishes to purchase a demo squad unit from Hays Fire Equipment.  Scheduled delivery of the unit would be after the first of the year in January.  The demo unit would replace a 1999 Ford 450 Squad unit that does not meet current NFPA standards and has inadequate equipment.  The demo unit is a 2023 International CV chassis with a 500-gallon water supply with a 500 GPM pump.  Staff recommends moving forward with purchasing the apparatus from Hays Fire Equipment and moving forward with a Lease-to-purchase option from Community Leasing Partners to fund the overall project for $201,654.00 while financing $181,654.00 ($201,654.00 less a down payment of $20,000.00 equals $181,654.00).  The advantage of purchasing a Demo unit is that it will not only update the department’s fleet of apparatus but also save valuable dollars for the district and community we serve.  Staff recommends paying a 10% down on a lease-to-purchase option through Community Leasing, which would include an annual payment.  The down payment of $20,000.00 would come from the department’s Special Equipment account with a yearly payment of $24,545.00 coming from the department’s Lease to Purchase line item.

  • Moved by:Commissioner Joe Hay Jr
    Seconded by:Commissioner James L Weese

    Approve RFA #2023-205 as presented.

    Motion Passed

Tim Hamilton, Planning and Zoning Administrator

Mountain Peak Energy Storage (doing business as Plus Power) is requesting a continuance of their appeal to the Planning Commission’s decision on September 26, 2023 to deny their request for establishment of a battery energy storage facility in the County.  The request is to reschedule the County Commission consideration of this appeal from November 14, 2023 to February 2024.  Because this request involves due process procedure, staff refrains from providing a recommendation.  County Counselor recommendation is to grant the continuance noting the Planning Commission met on October 24, 2023 and stated their findings for reason for the denial.  The appealing party should have time to review the findings and prepare for the appeal.  Commissioner Monte Shadwick asked if a date had to be set today or can they grant the continuance and come up with a date later.  Phillip Smith-Hanes, County Administrator, stated all of those are options, but there is enough public interest it might be a good idea to establish a date, so everyone knows what to plan for.  Commissioner Rodger Sparks asked that since the attorneys were not available for this meeting, can we not just schedule them for the next meeting when all the Commissioners are available.  Phillip Smith-Hanes stated yes that is also an option.  Commissioner Joe A Hay, Jr stated we have had four meetings on this.  The Planning Commission made it clear why they denied it.  He stated we just need to get it over with.  We have had lots of community members come to the meetings and not one person said it was a good idea.  Commissioner Rodger Sparks stated let's look at the nearest date that everyone can be there.  Commissioner James L Weese stated he didn't see a problem continuing this to give fair and correct appeal, hear it and make a decision on it.  Commissioner Monte Shadwick stated they need to properly appeal this through due process, I would like to put this to bed but would like to avoid litigation.  Community members and a representative from Plus Power spoke about the appeal and continuance date.  Commissioner Rodger Sparks asked if this does not pass, this will still go on next week.  Phillip Smith-Hanes stated yes.

  • Moved by:Commissioner James L Weese

    Approve the continuance as requested by Power Plus

    Motion Failed
  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Commissioner James L Weese

    Approve continuance as requested by Power Plus to a later date of December 19, 2023.

    Motion Failed

Wayne Scritchfield, Assistant County Engineer

Saline County Road and Bridge Department requests to award the bid for the Concrete Pavement Construction project.  Nine bids were received: Bar-S Construction ($133,085.37); Stallbaumer Contracting ($136,148.68); RMA Engineering ($141,729.26); Vogts Parga Construction ($147,596.58); Morgan Brothers Construction ($157,790.33); Lancaster Construction ($167,026.03); TR&R Construction ($183,811.15); Smoky Hill, LLC ($184,993.10); Reece Construction ($212,284.06).  This project is located at the Road and Bridge yard and includes 1,172.1 square yards of new 8 inch concrete pavement.  The west end of the concrete pavement begins at the west end of the shop/wash bay.  The existing gravel surface in this area causes drainage issues and tracks unnecessary mud into the shop.  The east end of the concrete pavement ties into the existing storm sewer area inlet and replaces concrete pavement aged 40-60 years.  The east end will also tie into the newer concrete pavement that was constructed with the new maintenance office.  Staff recommends to accept the bid unit prices from Bar-S Construction for an estimated cost of $133,085.37.  Funds for this project will be taken out of the Road and Bridge CIP.  There is $184,995.00 earmarked for this project.

  • Moved by:Commissioner Joe Hay Jr
    Seconded by:Commissioner Monte Shadwick

    To bid the award of concrete pavement at the Road and Bridge Department 2023-210 to Bar-S Construction Company.

    For (3)Commissioner Monte Shadwick, Commissioner Rodger Sparks, and Commissioner Joe Hay Jr
    Against (1)Commissioner James L Weese
    Absent (1)Commissioner Robert Vidricksen II
    Motion Passed (3 to 1)

Phillip Smith-Hanes, County Administrator

Phillip Smith-Hanes discussed the delegate and alternate for the Annual KWORCC meeting at the KAC Meeting.  It was the consensus of the Commission to have Commissioner Rodger Sparks be the delegate and Commissioner Joe A Hay, Jr. be the alternate.

Phillip Smith-Hanes announced Saturday is Veterans Day and County offices will be closed to the public on Friday.  Commissioner Joe A Hay, Jr announced the County is participating in the Green Light program.

  • Moved by:Commissioner Joe Hay Jr
    Seconded by:Commissioner James L Weese

    Adjourn the meeting at 9:53 a.m.

    Motion Passed
No Item Selected