Saline County recognizes the importance of providing high quality, compassionate care to those who need special medical attention, the elderly, terminally ill, postsurgical patients, chronically ill, and individuals with disabilities – and the availability of that care in a familiar and comfortable setting. Home care and hospice encompass a wide array of health and supportive services and offers compassionate care to more than five million Americans annually, especially during times of community or personal health care crisis. Home care is the patient preferred care option and plays a vital role in Saline County’s health care delivery systems, as residents in need of services, wish to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Home care services allow families to stay together, and provide greater health, dignity, and comfort in our communities, and today, caregivers play a central role in our health care system and in homes across the country. The Home Care & Hospice community honors the compassionate nurses, aides, therapists, and social workers who work tirelessly to make the essential difference for those wishing to receive care in their homes, as well as families, by ensuring that they can do so. Home care providers encourage all individuals to learn more about options of care and to share their wishes with family, loved ones, and their healthcare providers. Saline County joins in the national observance of Home Care and Hospice Month, and take this opportunity to encourage, honor, and support the professionals, volunteers, and family caregivers who show courage and compassion in their vitally important work helping and caring for the vulnerable populations. Commissioner James L Weese asked if there were any special events. Christi Ponton stated they are utilizing social media to try to gain awareness and get information out to the public about home health and hospice care.